Teach American History Blog

Archives - January 2013

January 30, 2013

President's Day: Lincoln

President's Day is coming up, so I thought I would focus on a few of the promising sources for President Lincoln. I'll try to post a few over the coming weeks.

Since he is up for an Academy Award (well, ok- the actor portraying him is actually up for the award), I figured I would start there.

Here are some locations for great Lincoln-related sources. I'll even branch away and find some non-LOC related sources too.

Posted by Ashleigh Oatts - 01/30/2013, 11:53 AM


January 21, 2013


Today is Inauguration Day! If you are taking time to discuss the Inauguration in your classes this week, here are some resources I found in 2009 when I worked for the Teaching with Primary Sources program:

Please note- if you don't already know the story of Andrew Jackson's inauguration, you can read about it in the newsletter. It's quite humorous!

Also, I just found the Inaugural Address from President Kennedy. The draft of this speech is also available.

Posted by Ashleigh Oatts - 01/21/2013, 11:47 AM