Andrew Jackson

Abernethy, Thomas P. “The Political Geography of Southern Jacksonism.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 3 (1931): 35-41.

Crawford, Aaron Scott. “Patriot Slaveholder: Andrew Jackson and the Winter of Secession.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 82 (2010): 10-32.

Kelsay, Isabel Thompson. “The Presidential Campaign of 1828.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 5 (1933): 69-80.

McNiell, Sarah Brown. “Andrew Jackson and Texas Affairs, 1819-1836.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 28 (1956): 86-101.

Smith, Culver H. “Propaganda Technique in the Jackson Campaign of 1828.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 6 (1934): 44-66.

Snow, Whitney Adrenne. “Slave Owner, Slave Trader, Gentleman: Slavery and the Rise of Andrew Jackson.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 80 (2008): 47-59.

Walker, Arda. “Andrew Jackson: Planter.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 15 (1943): 19-34.

David "Davy" Crockett

Folmsbee, Stanley J. and Anna Grace Catron. “The Early Career of David Crockett.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 28 (1956): 58-85.

Folmsbee, Stanley J. and Anna Grace Catron. “David Crockett in Texas.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 30 (1958): 40-78.

Carmichael, Jack and Jean. “Knoxville to Texas.” Tennessee Ancestors 8, no. 2 (August 1992): 113-114.

Francis Wright and Nashoba & Virginia Hill and Free Hill

Mathews, Paul Aaron. “Frances Wright and the Nashoba Experiment: A Transitional Period in Anti-Slavery Attitudes.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 46 (1974): 37-52.

Indian Removal & The Trail of Tears

Brown, John P. “Cherokee Removal, An Unnecessary Tragedy.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 11 (1939): 11-19.

Ellisor, John T. “ ‘Like So Many Wolves’: Creek Removal in the Cherokee Country, 1835-1838.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 71 (1999): 1-24.

Rozema, Vicki Bell. “Science and Technology Awakened: Resource Exploitation and the Cherokee Removal.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 85 (2013): 3-23.

James K. Polk

Gilley, Billy H. “Tennessee Opinion of the Mexican War as Reflected in the State Press.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 26 (1954): 7-26.

Graebner, Norman A. “James K. Polk’s Wartime Expansionist Policy.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 23 (1951): 32-45. 

Graebner, Norman A. “Polk, Politics, and Oregon.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 24 (1952): 11-25.


Williams, Samuel C. “Nathaniel Gist, Father of Sequoyah.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 5 (1933): 39-54.

Additonal Related Articles:

Belissary, Constantine S. “Industry and Industrial Philosophy in Tennessee, 1850-1860.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 23 (1951): 46-57.

“Blackston McDannel to Andrew Johnson: An East Tennessean in the Mexican War.” Ed. by LeRoy P. Graf and Ralph W. Haskins. East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 32 (1960): 106-116.

Folmsbee, S.J. “The Beginnings of the Railroad Movement in East Tennessee.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 5 (1933): 81-104.

Folmsbee, S.J. “The Origins of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 6 (1934): 81-95. 

Holland, James W. “The Building of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 4 (1932): 83-101.

“Letters of an East Tennessee Abolitionist.” 1841. Ed. by W. Freeman Galpin. The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 3 (1931): 134-149. 

Linder, Jamie S. and William B. Eigelsbach. “To War with Mexico: A Diary of the Mexican-American War.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 73 (2001): 74-100.

“News Items from The Knoxville Enquirer.” Tennessee Ancestors 10, no. 2 (August 1994): 87.