
Cimprich, John. “Slavery’s End in East Tennessee.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 52 & 53 (1980-81): 78-88.

Neidig, David. “The Hands that Rocked the Cradle: A brief history of African-Americans and slavery in the Wheat Community, Roane County, Tennessee.” Tennessee Ancestors 16, no. 3 (December 2000): 186-195.

Yeatts, Jason M. “ ‘That We May Think RightVote Right, and Do Right’: Knoxville’s Black Community, 1865-1867.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 82 (2010): 76-100.

Freedman's Bureau

Jordan, Weymouth T. “The Freedman’s Bureau in Tennessee.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 11 (1939): 47-61.

Leventhal, David S. “ ‘Freedom to Work, Nothing More Nor Less’: The Freedmen’s Bureau, White Planters, and Black Contract  Labor in Postwar Tennessee, 1865-1868.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 78 (2006): 23-49.

Radical Republicans

Campbell, James B. “East Tennessee During the Radical Regime, 1865-1869.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 20 (1948): 84-102.

Queener, Verton M. “A Decade of East Tennessee Republicanism.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 14 (1942): 59-85.

Queener, Verton M. “The East Tennessee Republicans as a Minority Party, 1870-1896.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 15 (1943): 49-73.

Sharp, J.A. “The Downfall of the Radicals in Tennessee.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 5 (1933): 105-124. 

Additional Related Articles:

 Harrell, David Edwin, Jr. “The Disciples of Christ and Social Force in Tennessee, 1865-1900.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 38 (1966): 30-47.

Hesseltine, W.B. “Tennessee’s Invitation to Carpet-Baggers.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 4 (1932): 102-115.

Hodges, Robert. “Unionism and Wartime Reconstruction in West Virginia and Tennessee, 1861-1865.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 82 (2010): 53-75.

 78 (2006): 23-49.

Livingood, James W. “Chattanooga, Tennessee: Its Economic History in the Years Immediately Following Appomattox.” The East Tennessee Historical Society’s Publications 15 (1943): 35-48.

Vick, Alison. “ ‘We Are a Distinct and Peculiar People’: Oliver Perry Temple and the Knoxville Industrial Association Address of 1869.” The Journal of East Tennessee History 84 (2012): 87-100.

Wise, Thomas E. “The Day President Rutherford B. Hayes Came to Town, Knoxville, 21 September 1877.” Tennessee Ancestors 18, no. 1 (April 2002): 58-73.